Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ike's Strengths

I didn't have power for about 9 hours. The streets are filled with debris, everyone's fence fell, tree limbs fell on top of houses, and even some houses collapsing. The first morning I drove around, I saw Donut World open, but they had a really long line. The gas station on Bingle was open, but the minimum wait was two hours and the lines got longer. Everyone was living in the heat, and some still are. That's just the scene after Ike.

The one thing that bothered me was deaths. They blamed the man that fell from trimming his trees on Hurricane Ike, but no one can really justify that. He was doing it in perfect weather and Hurricane Ike was nowhere near him, the winds of the storm didn't blow him down. People trim trees everyday. And the case about the four year old who died by carbon monoxide. It is negligence of the parents to put that generator inside the house. People lose power everyday and they use generators all the time. Ike was not the reason for it.
What Ike did cause was deaths of people who didn't evacuate. They ignored the mandatory evacuation orders and stayed and were alive until Ike had come. It was Ike that carried winds along with him that knocked down the trees. It was Ike's water that flooded the house and washed some away. The news is all crazy about Hurricane Ike, but I don't think they can label their newsline "First Death of Ike; Man Trim Trees"

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